Function bundleModule

  • Bundle a module into a single file.


    A promise that resolves to a Bundle object containing the bundled code.


    • entry: string

      The path to the module entry point, e.g. "users/username/module:script".

    • Optional options: { header: undefined | boolean; keepNames: undefined | boolean; minify: undefined | boolean } = {}
      • header: undefined | boolean

        If true, a header will be included in the bundled file with information about the source and license for the bundled modules.

      • keepNames: undefined | boolean

        If true, all identifiers will be preserved while minifying. Otherwise, minifying will mangle names to reduce file size (without affecting the public API).

      • minify: undefined | boolean

        If true, the bundled file will be minified.

    Returns Promise<Bundle>

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